368 THEOSOPHY EXPLAINED who recognise and realise a close fellowship and a feeling of real unity, can hope to have the privilege of being chosen to serve Them. But different nations ought to be drawn together in brotherly feeling especially now as per teachings of the World-Teacher who has recently come—the Bodhisattva of the Buddhist, the Christ of the Christian, the Shri Krishna of the Hindu, the Lord Maitreya, the great spirit- ual Teacher who is at present founding a Kingdom of Happiness on our earth. Q. Are we united only to the human family by ties of brotherhood ? Ans. As explained in Chapter VIII on Evolution, there are six other kingdoms in nature, and we are closely linked with all of them. The life sustaining our physical bodies has passed through all these kingdoms and has there built up more and more evolved and complicated forms which have eventually developed into human bodies. Not only that, but we are dependent even now for our very exis- tence on the work of these lower kingdoms, especially of the vegetable and the animal kingdoms. Again, we share the Divine Life, not only with every human being, but with every animal, plant and stone, and even with every particle or atom in all kingdoms, with every- thing that is. The Divine Life is the spirit in everything that exists from the atom to the archangel, as explained for c the Immanence of God ? in Chapter I, and thus the inner unity, the One Life dwelling equally in all, shows that there is not only a Brotherhood of Humanity, but an all-embracing fraternity, a universal brotherhood in nature. Professor Overstreet, while trying to show how the conception of God is gradually changing from that of an extra-cosmic judge to that of an immanent Presence